I physically saw them all, however the glut and volume of Zine Month kickstarters is so massive I found it hard to really register any of these games mentally. Thanks for curating a neat list!

Looking back, Glumdark launching a week before Feb 1 was "The Move". You get attention from Zinequest traffic while also frontrunning actual ZQ projects and stay on top longer.

Shadowdark is going to launch their KS on March 11 after ZQ to complete its first First Party Expansion (and possibly selling the base game itself again to new audiences). Wonder how that will go.

Wonder how the KS meta will shake out next year.

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There is A LOT of content and much (maybe most) has been funded. I don’t think the crowdfunding platforms do a very good job marketing the event. The front page of KS, for example, has a “open call” for the event, but nothing to help users find games. Do a search on “zine quest” and you get 1000s of results, mostly from expired campaigns of the past. It’s one of the reasons I’ve moved SOLO BORG into March.

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I need to know more about Night Office. Info is pretty sparse online

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Anyone know of a US distributor for Blackwell Writer’s games? I was going to pick up hardcover of FSCSAW a while back, but shipping from the author’s shop to the US was basically the same price as the hardcover itself. 😬

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Once we've fulfilled the Kickstarter I'll sort out a US distributor. Hopefully Metal Weave Games as they already distribute Apothecaria and DELVE 😊

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