Thanks, I love procedures and consider them the lost art of RPGs because so much games today just assume that the way or running epic fantasy saga is the same as method to run investigation or dungeon crawl.
I like the start system but... how you separate scenes? I mean, travel to the objective (the gang store, the dungeon, the island) is a scene? Sorry if i explain poorly, english is not my first lenguage
Hey Ryan, I have Solitary Confinement. It uses an Ironsworn-like "moves" system (which the designer acknowledges.) But it was missing a few things I want (like a quest generator, richer world building elements). I'm thinking of it as an alternative, but they would absolutely work together.
The Start framework looks like a great flow of play for people that are new to the practice and provides something you can fall back on if you find yourself asking what now at any point. Great stuff.
Does your Solo Borg work with solitary defilement or is more of a replacement framework? I’m curious and would like to check out both
Hey Ryan, I have Solitary Confinement. It uses an Ironsworn-like "moves" system (which the designer acknowledges.) But it was missing a few things I want (like a quest generator, richer world building elements). I'm thinking of it as an alternative, but they would absolutely work together.
I solo-play the original (as in ca. 1975 pamphlets plus the Greyhawk supplement) by using on-line random dungeon generators and the monster and treasure -procedures from "The Underground and Wilderness Adventures." Once the characters are high enough level I also do random wilderness exploration using old boardgame maps (my favorite is the map from the old SPI boardgame "Swords & Sorcery."
They’re cool; the solo adventures were based on The Fantasy Trip and they used to market them as such until Steve Jackson re-acquired the rights; it’s great that he let them stay in business. All the fantasy micro adventures are compatible with TFT with a few tweaks.
I really enjoyed the START framework. Curiously enough, I am adding something similar to Everspark, that you so kindly included in the newsletter! Thanks again, Patrick, phenomenal issue!
Thanks, I love procedures and consider them the lost art of RPGs because so much games today just assume that the way or running epic fantasy saga is the same as method to run investigation or dungeon crawl.
I like the start system but... how you separate scenes? I mean, travel to the objective (the gang store, the dungeon, the island) is a scene? Sorry if i explain poorly, english is not my first lenguage
Great post and recommendations. They all look fantastic. Thank you.
Hey Troy, thanks for the feedback!
Hey Ryan, I have Solitary Confinement. It uses an Ironsworn-like "moves" system (which the designer acknowledges.) But it was missing a few things I want (like a quest generator, richer world building elements). I'm thinking of it as an alternative, but they would absolutely work together.
The Start framework looks like a great flow of play for people that are new to the practice and provides something you can fall back on if you find yourself asking what now at any point. Great stuff.
Does your Solo Borg work with solitary defilement or is more of a replacement framework? I’m curious and would like to check out both
Hey Ryan, I have Solitary Confinement. It uses an Ironsworn-like "moves" system (which the designer acknowledges.) But it was missing a few things I want (like a quest generator, richer world building elements). I'm thinking of it as an alternative, but they would absolutely work together.
Excellent - glad to hear that they potentially compliment one another. I’ll give it a whirl.
I solo-play the original (as in ca. 1975 pamphlets plus the Greyhawk supplement) by using on-line random dungeon generators and the monster and treasure -procedures from "The Underground and Wilderness Adventures." Once the characters are high enough level I also do random wilderness exploration using old boardgame maps (my favorite is the map from the old SPI boardgame "Swords & Sorcery."
On another note...have you heard of Darkcity Games? They publish nice little solo adventures; I have a bunch!
Hey, those micro solo boardgames look great! Will have to check one out!
They’re cool; the solo adventures were based on The Fantasy Trip and they used to market them as such until Steve Jackson re-acquired the rights; it’s great that he let them stay in business. All the fantasy micro adventures are compatible with TFT with a few tweaks.
The Midnight Muscadines sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendation!
Another awesome newsletter. I need to retire and win the lottery to get all the games that I want!
I really enjoyed the START framework. Curiously enough, I am adding something similar to Everspark, that you so kindly included in the newsletter! Thanks again, Patrick, phenomenal issue!
I'm really looking forward to Everspark. Congrats on hitting your crowdfunding goal so fast! Onwards and upwards from here!
Thank you so much!
Thrilled to see you are joining in on the MÖRKTOBER fun this year! Looking forward to following along!
Thanks for hosting!
Highly informative, as always - a great read!
Thanks Thomas!